Principal's Message
Dr. L.Thulaseedhran
Dr. L. Thulaseedharan M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. is the Principal and administrative head of this college. He had completed his Post Graduation with Third Rank from Sree Narayana College, Kollam and M.Phil. with A Grade from the Department of Political Science, University of Kerala. He took Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr.M.Sreenivasan and Dr.M.Bhaskaran Nair from the University of Kerala from the constituency of Research Scholars. He has to his credit 25 years of experience in teaching Under Graduate and Post Graduate students in different colleges under S.N. Trusts.
He served as National Service Scheme (NSS) Programme Officer for a period of 5 years and received State Award for Best Programme Officer. He got an opportunity to serve as state level NSS Programme Co-ordinator on deputation for 4 years and bagged two State Awards. He has 7 years experience as Principal in 3 SN colleges (Alathur, Chempazhanthy & Varkala ). He maintained discipline, decorum and excellence in these colleges. He was elected as Member of Academic council, University of Kerala representing Principals of Aided colleges. He is an eminent scholar and an efficient administrator. He is a friend, guide, mentor and motivator of all students, teachers and non-teaching staff of this Institution.